Blocky Skin Shields, IPL & Laser Patient Skin Protection


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Blocky Skin Shields® protect the non-target skin against laser and IPL light radiation. During laser hair removal and IPL procedures, operators often encounter moles (nevi) and other non-target areas of skin that should not be exposed to those treatments. Maneuvering around those areas can be time-consuming and difficult. With Blocky Skin Shields®, simply apply the adhesive circles to the patient’s skin prior to IPL and laser treatments to protect those sensitive areas.

Excellent for protecting tattoos when removing hair or moles. Choose Rounds or Strips


  • Easy to apply and peel off.
  • Sterile
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Latex-Free
  • Disposable, Single-Use

Protection Level (rounds and strips):
OD 7>@ 190-11,000nm

1000/Box (rounds)
120/Box (strips)

Rounds: 6mm circle
Strips: 2″ x  0.5″




Blocky Laser Skin Shields

Block out light radiation with Blocky Laser Skin Shields®, the disposable shields designed to protect patients’ skin from Lasers and IPL (Intense Pulsed Lights).

During laser hair removal and IPL procedures, operators often encounter moles (nevi) and other non-target areas of skin that should not be exposed to those treatments. Maneuvering around those areas can be time-consuming and difficult.

Blocky is intended to cover moles during Laser or IPL treatments to protect the mole so it is not “treated”.  Every laser and IPL treatment that is done should use Blocky to cover nevi (moles).   

With Blocky Skin Shields®, simply apply the adhesive circles to the patient’s skin prior to IPL and laser treatments to protect those sensitive areas.

Rounds or Strips are easy to apply and peel off.



  • Hypoallergenic
  • Latex-Free
  • Disposable, Single-Use
  • Choose Rounds or Strips
  1. Clean and dry non-target skin area.
  2. Gently peel circle adhesive shield from the paper.
  3. Apply the adhesive shield to non-target area of the skin.
  4. Gently peel off shield after each use and dispose of.

Please store in a dry place, away from direct sunlight, with temperatures between 32-95º F (0-35º C). Expire 2 years after manufacture date.